WEEKLY THURSDAY WALKS from Horwich Leisure Centre

Every Thursday there is a brisk 4/5-mile circular walk. The walks start from the car park opposite the entrance to Horwich Leisure Centre and explore the countryside around Horwich.

On the third Thursday of the month our starting point varies but is within a 15 minute drive time from Horwich Leisure Centre. Details of the staring point for the third Thursday of the month walks are posted one week before on the website www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/ramblers-groups/bolton-group Click to View , they frequently start and finish at a cafe or pub. All walks start at 10.30am and finish around 12.30pm.

On the fourth Thursday of the month, we have an easier walk. Although, this is also at a brisk pace, we keep to the lower paths around Horwich, making it an ideal walk to try if you are joining us for the frist time.

For more information contact: tony.hough@ntlworld.com

Monthly Tuesday Rambles

During Spring and Summer, we will be providing a series of Tuesday day and evening walks.

Day Rambles

Where possible these walks will use public transport, leaving Bolton Interchange after 9:30am. They will be between 5 to 8 miles in length and at the end of the walk there will be a cafe or pub, where refreshments and possibly lunch can be taken.

Tuesday 6th August 2 Cloughs from Crowthorn, 7.5 miles.
Meet at 10.30am, Crowthorn village, Crowthorn Road, BL7 0JD.
Walk Leader: Jonathan Lilliott
Tuesday 17th September TBA
Meet at TBA
Walk Leader: TBA

Evening Rambles

These walks will be in the Bolton area and are short circular walks of around 5 miles. The start time is 7:00pm and will finish approximatly at 9:00pm. At the end of the walk, you will be able to enjoy a refreshing drink at a nearby public house.

Tuesday 13th August Pennington Flash Nature Reserve, 4.7 miles
Meet at 7.00pm, The Hide Coffee House, at the end of car park, Pennington Flash, WN7 3UG. Cafe open till 7pm, car park charge £2.50. Optional pub visit after walk.
Walk Leader: Ken Jacobs
Tuesday 27th August Longsight Park and Firwood Fold, 4.5 miles
Meet at 7.00pm, Bromley Cross Railway Station, BL7 9AG. Optional pub visit after walk.
Walk Leader: Jonathan Lilliott

Some of these walks can be accessed by public transport and start times are linked with the public transport schedule and are subject to change. Nearer the time of the walk check www.ramblers.org.uk/bolton Click to View or contact boltonramblers@hotmail.co.uk.